AirportTaxi til og frá Tórshavn DKK 230,00 fyri hvønn. Upp til 3 ferðandi í hvørjum bili. Børn upp til 12 ár DKK 150,00 pr. persón. Sí tær aktuellu komu- og fráferðingar tíðir á Vága Floghavn .. Leigubilar Upp til 4 ferðandi í bilinum DKK 750,00 5 ferðandi í bilinum DKK 900,…

Sightseeing by taxi
Royn okkara sightseeing túrar við taxi kring oyggjarnar. Explore unique Locations by Taxi. Kirkjubø km 28. Estimatet time 1 hour. DKK. 610,-. Sornfelli + Norðadalsskarð km 38. Estimatet time 1 hour. DKK. 550,-. Bø + Gásadalur km 114. Estimatet time 3 …

Book a taxi
Bílegg tín taxa, antin her á síðuni beinleiðis ella við okkara taxi App. Koyring millum bý og bygd kann bíleggjast beinleiðis á okkara síðu, tað er lætt og ómakaleyst at bíleggja ein taxi túr td. frá bygd og til havnar. …
Sightseeing tours - experience the Faroe Islands by taxi
Estimated time:
8 hours
Estimated time:
6 hours
Estimated time:
3 hours
Estimated time:
2 hours 30 min.
Estimated time:
2 hours 30 min.
Estimated time:
4 hours.

About us
The history
“Bilstøin Bil” was established in 1952. It was Hans Mellemgaard, Eiler Thorsvig, Hans A. Davidsen, Poul Gaard Hansen and Pauli Gaard Hansen who started “Bilstøin Bil” back in 1952.
Initially, the station was located in Niels Finsensgøtu, but was moved to Liðagøtu in 1960. Two years later, “Bilstøinin Vágsbotni” was merged with “Bil”.
When the “Oyggjarvegurin” was made and went north towards “Hórisgøtu”, “Bilstøin Bil” had a regular drive of passes between Hvalvík and Sundabrúnna.
In June 1963, when air traffic started, the Bil had regular services to and from the airport.
At the time it was that passengers ordered space with one of our cars in the evening or early in the morning before they were collected at home, and the trip then went to Vestmanna (before the tunnel came), where there was a ferry connection to Oyragjógv. From there, a bus or car was taken to the airport and the villages of Vágoy.
For some years we also had a taxi station in Vestmanna.

Taxi Car
Hevur tú gott yvirblikk, telefonsmíl, rímiligan telduførleika og hug at arbeiða hjá Føroya størsta taxa felag?

Taxi Cars
Hevur tú gott yvirblikk, telefonsmíl, rímiligan telduførleika og hug at arbeiða hjá Føroya størsta taxa felag?